
We are a small group of scientists/engineers from Academia Sinica who enjoy exploring the Earth, and we are looking for a research assistant to join our team. The potential project contents include collecting and analyzing data. Also, install seismometers and other geophysical instruments in the field or at sea. It is a plus if you enjoy outdoor activities. We welcome someone who is responsible, communicative and obtains a bachelor or master degree in Geophysics to support (some of) the following activities:

1. conduct fieldwork and/or sea-going experiments
2. help maintain and/or develop geophysical instruments
3. assist report writing
4. research

Please email following information to Dr. Wu-Cheng Chi (wchi@gate.sinica.edu.tw) or Celine Lee (siylee@gate.sinica.edu.tw) to apply for this position:
1. A resume including a photo copy of your transcript(s) in college (this is just for reference, will not be a deciding factor) or a PDF file of your MS thesis.
2. It will be a plus if you can provide contact information of a reference person.
3. Any addition information to help understand you better.

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